Friday, June 17, 2011

YouTube Finally Rid Of This Garbage!

IT’S FRIDAY! FRIDAY! FRIDAY! AND THANK GOD YOUTUBE FINALLY GOT SOME SENSE INTO THEM!!!! Today marks the day that YouTube FINALLY took down the video of the song “Friday” composed by Rebecca Black. Yes, the same video that got a an inexplicable 3 million + views.

Reason being is because Ark Music Factory and Team Black are in an argument about the rights to the video. Mostly because Ark doesn't really have any rights to the video but owns the YouTube channel that the video is in so when Ark decided to make it a $2.99 YouTube rental, Team Black said “take that shi#@ down!” First off who would pay $2.99 for a YouTube rental?  Let alone, FRIDAY?  That’s NUTS!

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