Wednesday, March 23, 2011

NEWS FLASH: Beyonce vs. Lady Gaga!!!

Apparently Beyonce and Lady Gaga are beefing! They collaborated on that song, "Telephone" together but ironically they won't be telephoning each other any time soon. Sources say that Beyonce has called Gaga names such as 'selfish egomaniac' which is unlike Beyonce. She is the type that usually stays away from drama. Maybe Jay Z gave her a few pointers about holding her own. lol I mean he's giving her advice suitable for a wife of a New York Rapper. You gotta be gulley when you reppin' Jay Z!
Anyhow, Lady Gaga ain't no punk because she fired back as well stating that Beyonce is just another jealous hater. Whoa! I'm not trying to start drama but those are fighting words! In the famous words of Rodney King, "can't we all just get along??" I can't help but laugh at this feud though. It's cute. Maybe the next time Gaga dresses up, she will either be something relative to a weapon! However, Beyonce don't play that! She's from Texas. She's rounded up many bulls in her day. Hahaha!
On a more serious note, it's a shame that two modern-day icons have to resort to such hateration. Each can share the fame. I really don't think this one will continue because they're good people but we will see how this one turns out!

Ms Sania

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